Events & Workshops


Some Considerations: The Legal Landscape for Queer & Trans Folks

Join CWHC Health Educators and Heather Ross, of Ross & Zuckerman LLP on Wednesday, January 15th, 2025 from 5:30pm-6:45pm Central! This is a virtual workshop and will take place over Zoom. Heather Ross will elaborate on some pieces of the changing legal landscape for queer parents.

Heather’s expertise is in third party reproduction. While she cannot provide individual legal advice, she will be addressing:

  • Sperm donation

  • In-clinic inseminations

  • At-home inseminations

  • Legal parentage

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Menopause Workshop!

Menopause Workshop!

During this 2.5-hour workshop, we'll explore research throughout history in order to both challenge misinformation and consider treatment options. During our discussion of care, we'll consider both self-care and community care in order to root ourselves in a feminist approach to menopause. We look forward to learning with you.

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Aligning Voice with Identity Series, Level 1
to Apr 29

Aligning Voice with Identity Series, Level 1

Join CWHC’s Gender-Affirming Voice Coach for the Level 1 4-part virtual educational series throughout April, on Tuesday evenings from 6:30pm to 7:45pm CT! Each session is designed to build on the different tools and experiences that were explored during the first series. All of these skills and tools are oriented towards developing a speaking voice that better aligns with a person’s identity. Sessions will take place over Zoom on April 1st | April 8th | April 22nd | April 29th. Below you will find the title of each session along with learning objectives.

Level 1 is introductory and can be repeated if wanted.

Register here!

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Aligning Voice with Identity Series, Level 2
to Apr 29

Aligning Voice with Identity Series, Level 2

Join CWHC’s Gender-Affirming Voice Coach for the Level 1 4-part virtual educational series throughout April, on Tuesday evenings from 8pm to 9pm CT! Each session is designed to build on the different tools and experiences that were explored during the first series. All of these skills and tools are oriented towards developing a speaking voice that better aligns with a person’s identity. Sessions will take place over Zoom on April 1st | April 8th | April 22nd | April 29th. Below you will find the title of each session along with learning objectives.

Level 2 is a bit more advanced and a good fit for people who've completed all of level 1 and have a firm understanding of the topics but want to explore them more deeply.

Register here!

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Pelvic Self-Exam Workshop!

Pelvic Self-Exam Workshop!

This 2-hour workshop will discuss the pelvic floor and its function across bodies, as well as review the history of the Pelvic Self Exam movement. We’ll discuss best practices for pelvic exams and explore the medical violence and bias involved in pelvic health.

This workshop will be offered in-person! We look forward to learning with you.

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Some Considerations: The Legal Landscape for Queer Parents

Some Considerations: The Legal Landscape for Queer Parents

Join CWHC Health Educators and Heather Ross, of Ross & Zuckerman LLP on Wednesday, January 15th, 2025 from 5:30pm-6:45pm Central! This is a virtual workshop and will take place over Zoom. Heather Ross will elaborate on some pieces of the changing legal landscape for queer parents.

Heather’s expertise is in third party reproduction. While she cannot provide individual legal advice, she will be addressing:

  • Sperm donation

  • In-clinic inseminations

  • At-home inseminations

  • Legal parentage

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Four-Part Abortion Companion Training: Session 1

Four-Part Abortion Companion Training: Session 1

While exploring various aspects of reproductive justice and health care access, workshops will build off of each other. Participants who attend all four workshops will receive a certificate of completion!

Session 1: Understanding Abortion: History & Reproductive Justice

Registration is now closed.

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Menopause Workshop!

Menopause Workshop!

During this 2.5-hour workshop, we'll explore research throughout history in order to both challenge misinformation and consider treatment options. During our discussion of care, we'll consider both self-care and community care in order to root ourselves in a feminist approach to menopause. We look forward to learning with you.

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Four-Part Abortion Companion Training: Session 4

Four-Part Abortion Companion Training: Session 4

While exploring various aspects of reproductive justice and health care access, workshops will build off of each other. Participants who attend all four workshops will receive a certificate of completion!

Session 4: Physical and Emotional Comfort Measures

Registration is now closed.

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Four-Part Abortion Companion Training: Session 3

Four-Part Abortion Companion Training: Session 3

While exploring various aspects of reproductive justice and health care access, workshops will build off of each other. Participants who attend all four workshops will receive a certificate of completion!

Session 3: Perinatal Loss, Grief, & Trauma-Informed Care

Registration is now closed.

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Four-Part Abortion Companion Training: Session 2

Four-Part Abortion Companion Training: Session 2

While exploring various aspects of reproductive justice and health care access, workshops will build off of each other. Participants who attend all four workshops will receive a certificate of completion!

Session 2: Abortion 101 and Abortion Methodologies

Registration is now closed.

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Four-Part Abortion Companion Training: Session 1

Four-Part Abortion Companion Training: Session 1

While exploring various aspects of reproductive justice and health care access, workshops will build off of each other. Participants who attend all four workshops will receive a certificate of completion!

Session 1: Understanding Abortion: History & Reproductive Justice

Registration is now closed.

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Menopause Workshop!

Menopause Workshop!

During this 2.5-hour workshop, we'll explore research throughout history in order to both challenge misinformation and consider treatment options. During our discussion of care, we'll consider both self-care and community care in order to root ourselves in a feminist approach to menopause. We look forward to learning with you.

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Aligning Voice with Identity Series
to Aug 26

Aligning Voice with Identity Series

Join CWHC’s Gender-Affirming Voice Coach for a 4-part educational series throughout August, on Monday evenings from 7pm to 8pm CT! Each session will cover different tools and experiences related to developing a speaking voice that better aligns with a person’s identity. Sessions will take place on August 5th | August 12th | August 19th | August 26th. Below you will find the title of each session along with learning objectives.

Register here!

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Revolutionary Health Care 2024

Revolutionary Health Care 2024

Join us on Thursday, June 6th from 6-8:30pm at Haymarket House (800 W Buena Ave in Chicago).

This year’s event will honor CWHC’s long-time Volunteer Medical Director, Catherine Plonka, MD. It will also feature our signature raffle (both virtual and in person), drinks, dinner, music, and more!

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Menopause Workshop!

Menopause Workshop!

During this 2.5-hour workshop, we'll explore research throughout history in order to both challenge misinformation and consider treatment options. During our discussion of care, we'll consider both self-care and community care in order to root ourselves in a feminist approach to menopause. We look forward to learning with you.

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Two-Part Abortion Companion Training: Session 2

Montuna and CWHC will be offering a two-part abortion companion training in April 2024! While exploring various aspects of reproductive justice and health care access, workshops will build off of each other. Participants who attend both workshops will receive a certificate of completion!

Session 2: Other Experiences of Abortion and Companionship

Registration for this workshop is now closed. Please stay tuned for future sessions.

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Two-Part Abortion Companion Training: Session 1

Montuna and CWHC will be offering a two-part abortion companion training during the month of April 2024! While exploring various aspects of reproductive justice and health care access, workshops will build off of each other. Participants who attend both workshops will receive a certificate of completion!

Session 1: Abortion History, and and Methodologies

Registration for this workshop is now closed. Please stay tuned for future sessions.

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Menopause Workshop!

Menopause Workshop!

During this 2.5-hour workshop, we'll explore research throughout history in order to both challenge misinformation and consider treatment options. During our discussion of care, we'll consider both self-care and community care in order to root ourselves in a feminist approach to menopause. We look forward to learning with you.

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Alternative Insemination Info Session

Join CWHC's AI Program Coordinator, Noshaba, to learn more about our best practices in creating inclusive, expansive pathways to pregnancy. In this virtual workshop, we'll share about the approach and processes of our AI program, which has supported people in creating pregnancies for over 35 years.

To register, visit the AI page of the website.

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Fertility Awareness Workshop

Join CWHC for our first Fertility Awareness Workshop of 2022! Together, we'll explore how to track and measure cervical mucus, take basal body temperatures, and chart hormonal cycles. We'll discuss in detail what this charting tells us and how to use this method for pregnancy prevention or pregnancy creation. This workshop is for people interested in learning FA to prevent or create pregnancy, birth workers wanting a deeper understanding of hormonal cycles and fertility signs to support fertility clients, and for anyone wanting to learn more about one's body.

This online 2.5-hour workshop will be interactive, engaging, and rooted in queer-inclusivity and gender-expansiveness.

Register here.

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Two-Part Abortion Companion Training: Session 2

Mama Aicha and CWHC will be offering a two-part abortion companion training in January 2022! While exploring various aspects of reproductive justice and health care access, workshops will build off of each other. Participants who attend both workshops will receive a certificate of completion!

Session 2: Second Trimester Abortion and Comfort Measures

REGISTRATION CLOSED. Stay tuned for upcoming training dates and times.

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Two-Part Abortion Companion Training: Session 1

Mama Aicha and CWHC will be offering a two-part abortion companion training during the month of January 2022! While exploring various aspects of reproductive justice and health care access, workshops will build off of each other. Participants who attend both workshops will receive a certificate of completion!

Session 1: Abortion 101, Reproductive Justice, and Abortion Companionship

Register for the first and/or second sessions.

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Two-Part Abortion Companion Training: Session 2

Mama Aicha and CWHC will be offering a two-part abortion companion training in September 20201! While exploring various aspects of reproductive justice and health care access, workshops will build off of each other. Participants who attend both workshops will receive a certificate of completion!

Session 2: Second Trimester Abortion and Comfort Measures and Pregnancy Loss and Comfort Measures

Register today for first and/or second sessions.

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Two-Part Abortion Companion Training: Session 1

Mama Aicha and CWHC will be offering a two-part abortion companion training during the month of September! While exploring various aspects of reproductive justice and health care access, workshops will build off of each other. Participants who attend both workshops will receive a certificate of completion!

Session 1: Abortion 101, Reproductive Justice, and Abortion Companionship

Register for the first and/or second sessions.

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Alternative Insemination Info Session

Join CWHC's AI Program Coordinator, Noshaba, to learn more about our best practices in creating inclusive, expansive pathways to pregnancy. In this virtual workshop, we'll share about the approach and processes of our AI program, which has supported people in creating pregnancies for over 35 years.

To register, visit the AI page of the website.

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