Medication Abortion

We provide trauma-informed, trans-inclusive, and education-centered medication abortions in a respectful environment with no one turned away based on their ability to pay.

About Medication Abortion at CWHC

At CWHC we provide Medication Abortion aka the “abortion pill".” Medication abortions include taking two different kinds of medicine to end an early pregnancy that is less than 11 weeks. We are unable to provide Procedural Abortions aka “in-office abortions.” As with all of our other services, we provide trauma-informed and inclusive care. Our appointments are longer to allow time for questions and education.

Medication Abortions at CWHC are available to individuals who meet the following criteria:

  • You are 18 years of age or older

  • You know when the first day of your last menstrual period (LMP) was

  • You have a regular* monthly period

    • A regular* monthly period refers to a menstrual cycle that typically lasts for the same number of days and occurs around the same time each month

  • You are less than 11 weeks pregnant by the time of your appointment

Medication Abortions at CWHC are not available to individuals who are experiencing any of the following:

  • Currently have an IUD or Tubal Ligation

  • Have ever been pregnant outside of the uterus (have had an ectopic pregnancy)

  • Are taking any blood thinner medications

  • Are taking any non-topical steroids

  • Have an Acute Hepatic Porphyria (AHP) condition

  • Have chronic adrenal failure (Addison’s Disease)

How to Make an Appointment

To make an appointment for a Medication Abortion consultation and prescription, call our front desk at (773) 935-6126. We are open Monday through Thursday from 9am to 4pm.

Insurance + Payment Information

Clients will have the ability to bill their insurance or use self-pay to access Medication Abortion services. The self-pay cost of a Medication Abortion at CWHC is $370. This includes the price of the medication, visit, and follow-up. We accept Blue Cross Blue Shield, United, and Humana PPO insurance plans. For clients using self-pay, payment options are available, and no one is turned away based on their ability to pay.

In the event that a client is unable to pay the $370 service fee, or the copay for their insurance, our staff will work with clients to coordinate financial assistance. Clients will be asked to pay as much as they can towards the cost of the service. CWHC staff will work with both the client as well as local and national funding outlets to cover the remainder of the cost. Regardless of how much a client is able to pay, they will still be able to access the service.

Payment options will be discussed with clients upon calling to make an appointment.

What to Expect

Medication Abortion visits typically take up to 1 hour. Upon arrival, clients are asked to complete intake paperwork, CWHC consent forms, and pay any remaining balance for the service. Payment plans will have been discussed upon scheduling the appointment.

During an appointment, the provider will review a client’s history and sexual activity, talk through the medications (how they work, side effects, etc.), and discuss after care (including logistical support). Clients will be given two different kinds of medication to take to end the pregnancy. These medications can cause cramping and bleeding while the pregnancy tissue comes out of the uterus through the vagina.

Clients will be provided with a comprehensive after care kit with items like pads, pregnancy tests, and tea.

Consultation about birth control options during these appointments are available if desired.

Resources for Clients

Common Side-Effects of Mifepristone/Misoprostol + When to Call a Provider

How to Use Abortion Pills

How Much Am I Bleeding?

Abortion Referrals

Chicago Abortion Fund: the Chicago Abortion Fund provides financial, logistical, and emotional support to people seeking abortion care in Chicago, Illinois, and the Midwest.

Midwest Access Coalition: Midwest Access Coalition is a practical abortion fund that helps people traveling to, from, and within the Midwest access safe abortions by assisting with travel coordination and costs, lodging, food, medicine, and childcare.

Exhale Pro-Voice • Nonjudgmental After-Abortion Support: Exhale Pro-Voice provides nonjudgemental after-abortion support through a confidential textline.

I Need an Abortion - Find Verified Clinics, Pills by Mail, and Support: I Need an A helps people learn about all of their abortion options based on their location and find up-to-date information about abortion clinics, pills by mail, state abortion laws, and support.

Nurse Triage Line

If you need to speak with a provider about your Medication Abortion when CWHC is not open, please call our Nurse Triage Line: (877) 229-6013. Providers servicing the Nurse Triage Line do not have access to CWHC client charts and will only be able to answer questions and provide guidance.